
Limitation of Liability

The Polish Nobility Association (Związek Szlachty Polskiej) based in Warsaw (hereafter called the „Association”) wishes to advise all the persons (hereafter referred to in singular „User”) visiting this website that all the information included therein concerning the activities of the Association, its members or possibly other persons and events, has been published in good faith and conforms to the current state of the Association’s knowledge. Nevertheless, the Association wishes to advise that the information found on this website might include misprints as well as incomplete, outdated or erroneous data.

The information published herein, however, may not – within the provisions of current law – create any guarantee or liability, nor create grounds for any type of claims against the Association or create any other form of responsibility to the User or any third party. Specifically, the Association may not be held liable for the accuracy, completeness or utility of the presented information for any specific purpose. Additionally the Association may not be held responsible for any loss or damage resulting from the use of this information or any assumption as to its completeness or utility.

Information referring to university titles, qualifications or business dealings of the Members or any third party or company may not be construed as a recommendation of such person, business or other activities or as a confirmation of any mentioned titles, qualifications or other qualities held by such persons. The User or any other person intending to take advantage of the services those persons might offer, must verify such information for themselves.  person intending to take advantage of the services those perons might offer.

The Association will not be held responsible wholly or in part for introducing any modifications to discontinuing hosting this website.

The inclusion of links to other websites must not be interpreted as acceptance or recommendation of the contents of such websites. The Association is not in a position to control, nor does it control websites of third parties and for this reason cannot be held responsible for the accessibility or content of such websites. The User is free to take advantage of links to other websites and acquire information included in the same only at their own risk and after assuming full responsibility for it.

The Association will not be held responsible for any damage, need for services, repair or replacement of computers arising after visits to this website, which including events necessitating any data correction or recovery.

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